Uploaded on 10.02. 2024, Saturday


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Šimon Vepřek


This project is still a work in progress, so the full case study isn't available yet. Currently, you'll find an overview of the project and our design approach. The detailed case study will be shared once the project is complete.

StoryBranch is a work-in-progress initiative aimed at redefining the digital storytelling experience by blending user interactivity with traditional narrative forms. This project allows readers to actively participate in the unfolding of stories, offering a platform where narratives become not just something to read, but something to experience. At the heart of StoryBranch is the idea of choice-driven narratives, where users have the power to influence story outcomes, making each reading journey unique and deeply personal.

StoryBranch's Logo Art

From the outset, the conceptualization of StoryBranch was rooted in the belief that storytelling could be more immersive and interactive. I envisioned a digital space where stories are alive and responsive to the reader's choices, thereby fostering a more engaging and personalized reading experience. This vision led to the design of a user-centric platform, where each decision made by the reader opens up new paths in the narrative, creating a multitude of possible endings and story arcs.

StoryBranchs's Platform Design

The ongoing desgining of StoryBranch is focused on refining the platform's interactivity and expanding its narrative library to cater to a wide range of interests and genres. The ultimate goal is to launch a platform that not only captivates users with its interactive stories but also sets a new standard for digital storytelling.

[Website Coming Soon]
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